The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament Part 3

Sermon Text:

Psalm 33:1-7

Psalm 104

This sermon continues the theme of seeing how the Holy Spirit is active in creation but this time in the natural processes and interconnectedness of the world. Here we find that the work of the Holy Spirit is closer than we might have thought if only we expand our view as the Psalmist does.

The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament Part 2

Sermon Texts:

Genesis 1:1-2

Revelation 21:1-4

This sermon explores the thought world of the Ancient Near East in order to compare the Babylonian creation myth with the Genesis creation story. By doing so we highlight the amazing role of the Holy Spirit in creation as we study the first appearance of the ruah in the Old Testament. We also learn about some Ancient Near Eastern agricultural practices and perform some Hebrew words studies. So lots of what you know and love about Resurrection Church sermons.