Exodus Part 8: Eyeh Asher Eyeh

Sermon Text:

John 1:45-51

Exodus 3:10-17

Today we look at enigmatic name of God. God gives Moses His name YHWH as part of Moses’ prophetic call. This sermon attempts to answer the question of what the explanation of God’s name, eyeh asher eyeh, means and why the name is important to Moses’ prophetic call. We also attempt to explain why Moses is given a sign (that he and the people will return to this same mountain) that will only be filled in the future. Through all these very abstract ideas we learn a very important practical lesson about what it means to be in a relationship with YHWH and why faith is such an important part of that relationship. The calling of Nathaniel in John is used to illustrate this point more fully.

One note, the scripture readings were not recorded as they typically are before the sermon.