The Holy Spirit in the OT: Chronicles

Sermon Texts:

1 Chronicles 12:19

2 Chronicles 15:1-8

2 Chronicles 20:14-19

2 Chronicles 24:20-22

Four texts from the book of Chronicles, what could be more fun? Today’s sermon looks at four stories, unique to Chronicles, that make an important and practical point about how we live out our faith guided by the Spirit particularly in reference to our sacred scriptures and traditions.

The Holy Spirit in the OT: Moses

Sermons Texts:

Numbers 11:16-30

Numbers 12:3-8

Numbers 14:11-20

Toxic leadership practices are a common problem in the church today as those who have been listening to the “Rise and Fall of Mars Hill” podcast have learned. In this sermon we look at three stories in Moses’ life from the book of Numbers to derive some principles of what Spirit filled leadership looks like. The hope is to find a better way of being leaders in the church and to discover what traits we should look for in those in authority in our churches.

The Holy Spirit in the OT: Micah

Sermon Texts:

Genesis 18:18-19

Micah 3:1-12

This sermon examines how the Spirit works through prophets in general and Micah in particular. Specifically we study how prophets challenge the powerful and advocate for the outcasts. We study what the Bible means by justice and we learn how the Holy Spirit works to bring life and flourishing to everyone.

The Holy Spirit in the OT: Bezalel & Oholiab

Sermon Texts:

Exodus 35:30-35

Ephesians: 2:10-22

This sermon examines how the Holy Spirit works to bring life and flourishing into the world through art and creativity. Also we study the implications of the aseity of God and how a view that centers on unnecessary and extravagant abundance rather than utility and practicality can bring the hope and grace of the new creation into the world.