Exodus Part 14: Help us Amy Grant

Sermon Texts:

Genesis 35:9-15

John 6:16-21

Exodus 5:22-6:13

Moses’ first day on the job has not gone so well and Moses lets God know about it. God responds with His name. Here we further develop ideas began in Exodus 3 at the burning bush about what the name YHWH means. We explore the mysterious name El Shaddai and the other names used for God in chapter 5 and 6 to see what makes YHWH unique.

Exodus Part 12: Killing Moses

Sermon Texts:

Genesis 17:9-14

Colossians 2:6-15

Exodus 4:24-31

Today we look at one of the weirdest passages in the whole Bible. This is the story of when God suddenly tries to execute Moses who is only saved from death by a hastily performed surgical operation. There are so many questions and yet few answers. Also what possible relevance could this passage have for us?

The sermon looks at the practice and symbolism of circumcision. Also we look at this story in context to try to make sense of it. Hopefully we also arrive at some answers involving more universal themes of judgment, identity, and transformation.

Exodus Part 11: Exodus Out of Context?

Matthew 2:13-21

Exodus 4:18-23

Today we take a different approach. The Gospel of Matthew quotes from this passage of Exodus and several other Old Testament passages. The problem is that Matthew seems to take those passages out of context. We examine Matthew’s use of the Old Testament to try and work through how the New Testament writers use the Old Testament and what application that can have for us today.

Exodus Part 10: The Insistence of YHWH

Sermon Texts:

Revelation 1:4-8

Exodus 4:1-17

Today we conclude the section of Exodus on the call of Moses. Here we examine the significance of the three signs YHWH gives to Moses to verify that Moses’ message is of divine origin. We also examine how the question of Moses’ identity is answered in relationship to YHWH. We conclude by reading God’s revelation at Sinai through Revelation 1 and see how God’s existence is not so the big question but rather God’s insistence.

Exodus Part 9: Worship=Service

Sermon Texts:

Genesis 2:5-8,15

Romans 1:19-25

Exodus 3:12

We continue our study of the call of Moses. Here we examine a single verse. However, this verse directs us to the overall purpose of the Exodus. The point is not simply to escape Egypt or even to receive God’s law. Instead, the Israelites are to worship God. We examine what worship means by studying the Hebrew word avad and see why understanding avad is not important just for the Israelites but also for us.

Exodus Part 8: Eyeh Asher Eyeh

Sermon Text:

John 1:45-51

Exodus 3:10-17

Today we look at enigmatic name of God. God gives Moses His name YHWH as part of Moses’ prophetic call. This sermon attempts to answer the question of what the explanation of God’s name, eyeh asher eyeh, means and why the name is important to Moses’ prophetic call. We also attempt to explain why Moses is given a sign (that he and the people will return to this same mountain) that will only be filled in the future. Through all these very abstract ideas we learn a very important practical lesson about what it means to be in a relationship with YHWH and why faith is such an important part of that relationship. The calling of Nathaniel in John is used to illustrate this point more fully.

One note, the scripture readings were not recorded as they typically are before the sermon.

Exodus Part 7: The S'neh Bush

Sermon Texts:

Luke 4:16-21

Exodus 2:25-3:12

Today we look at the burning bush and specifically the symbolism behind the image of the burning bush. In the burning bush we talk about how Moses experience the divine pathos of God. We see the role the divine pathos plays in the prophetic call and the need for the church to carry on the prophetic voice particularly in solidarity with the oppressed.